Our GLOCAL Mission Focus

Crosspoint seeks to impact the world through it’s "GLOCAL" focus by engaging with the following GLOBAL & LOCAL missions organizations.  Learn more about our partners, pray for them, and get engaged by contacting them directly or through missions@crosspointmckinney.church.

Chain of Love operates a system of foster homes in Brazil with caregivers committed to the integral care of the children and adolescents, providing them with healthy development and a good quality of life.  Crosspoint member Robbyn Hanstad has represented Chain of Love for over 10 years, promoting the organization and coordinating frequent mission trips with sponsoring churches. 

You can support Chain of Love through your prayer, sponsorship of a child, or by joining planned youth and adult mission trips in 2024.

The E2 Initiative exists to serve the church by equipping and encouraging those who lead the church.  E2 is led by Crosspoint members Mark and Carmen Howell, who provide pastor and leader training, conferences, materials, and theological education around the globe.

Provide support to E2 through your prayer and by connecting E2 with pastors and ministry leaders who wish to fellowship and network with a like-minded group of leaders. 

Since 1991, Proclaim Cuba has been committed to reaching Cuba for Christ through through church planting, pastoring pastors, leading children’s, youth and women’s ministries, sports evangelism, intercessory prayer, an institute for the arts, and disaster relief.

You can support Proclaim Cuba with financial donations or by joining future medical, evangelical, and disaster recovery trips planned in 2024.

For more than 40 years, Pioneers Missionaries have been using innovative and creative means to bring the Gospel to every corner of the globe. Crosspoint has a longstanding relationship with Pioneers serving in religiously diverse Bosnia.

Pray for these missionaries as they introduce people to the Bible and share the gospel in culturally understandable ways.

Supported by Fellowship International Missions, Johan and Haruko Strydom seek to plant a church in Osaka, Japan, saturate it with the Gospel of Christ, disciple the young generation through the Bible, and equip them to fulfill the Great Commission.   In 2023, Crosspoint was pleased to join in the support of Johan and Haruko’s efforts.

Pray for Johan and Haruko as they spread the Gospel in Japan and look for opportunities to join a planned mission trip to Osaka in 2024.

Paul and Laurel Morgan have served in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2012 where they work alongside local translators to help more Congolese have access to God's Word in their own languages. Paul serves as a translation consultant with Wycliffe Bible Translators, helping to train other translators and to check translated Scripture. Laurel primarily homeschools their three children Noah, Emma, and Caleb.

Pray for Paul, Laurel and their family as they share God’s message of love with people who have never heard it. 

You can also send messages of encouragement as well as care packages to the Morgans through the Crosspoint Missions team.